Cerebus Syndrome: By halfway through their post- Art Evolution era of original songs, it became far more common for their songs to be more serious in tone, especially compared to their ball-bragging roots:.Call-Back: "Tig Ol' Bitties" makes a reference of how Puff Puff still has the same fixations as he did in "My Balls": "Like my balls-real big!".Buxom Is Better: The subject of "Tig Ol' Bitties".Although we see his eyes starting in "Transphobic Techno". note Although fanart depicts Benatar as having Peek-a-Bangs. Bigger Is Better: "My Balls" is a song where Puff brags that his balls can win back his ex-girlfriend (the person he's singing to).Bestiality Is Depraved: In " The Stereotypes Song " in which he jokingly sings about stereotypes, he mentions Scotsmen humping sheep.Bastard Boyfriend: It's sort of implied that the boyfriend from "Friend Zone" is this, considering that he's the douche bag from one of their previous songs and because Puff explicitly calls him a douche.Band Toon: Your Favorite Martian: The Series, which is a parody of more traditional band toons, only with a lot more sexual jokes and NSFW language.Bad Santa: Santa in "Santa Hates Poor Kids", who is depicted as a pedophile (and anti-Semite) who never gives anything nice to poor children.According to Ray himself, Axel was expected to sing at some point as well before the project ended. Ascended Extra: Benatar went from being the band's silent guitarist to getting as much singing time as Puff himself, singing more than Puff in "Friend Zone", "Complicated", "Jupiter", "Somebody That I Used to Know", and "Bartender Song"."We Like Them Girls" is animated entirely with LEGO."Puppet Break-Up" is a live-action video but with the band members as Muppets."Tig Ol' Bitties" switches to a style reminiscent of paper cutouts during the segments in which the boys are in school.Art Evolution: The video for "Whip Yo Kids" and the videos onward have much more fluid animation and professional art than the previous music videos.And That's Terrible: In The Stereotypes Song in which he jokingly sings about stereotypes, he mentions Scotsmen humping sheep, and at the end he adds, "But seriously, don't hump any sheep.".All Just a Dream: The events of "Take Over the World" turn out to just be Wilton's dream, as the visuals rewind until we see him sleeping on the job.

Puff is allowed into the titular club, and uses his politeness to get himself laid. Affably Evil: Exploited in "Club Villain".Your Favorite Martian provides examples of: