These lanterns only hold one bulb each, a standard size bulb. I also have two more lanterns on either side of my garage.

Each lantern holds 3 candelabra style bulbs for a total of 6. I’ve replaced these lanterns with LED’s I bought from Amazon. So on the front of my house, I’ve got two lanterns next to my door. You can get some lighting timers which are wired into your home, but you’d best visiting a site like and having a professional wire them for you, or, you can get lights that are triggered by a sensor which are pretty easy to install yourself.

This means lights are on part of the day and off part of the night, I can’t remember or get up early enough to make this efficient. I used to manually turn on/off my front outside lights since I leave them running at night. I also want to be more efficient in the way they are used. I’ve already talked about Why I’m Replacing all of my Lights with LED’s. My solar panels have had me thinking about reducing my energy usage.