> the Borg Collective ( yes after a long consider we have include them) > the Dominion Alliance consists of the Dominion, the Cardassians and Breen > the Maquis Alliance consists of renegade Starfleet officers, the Bajorans and Ferengi STAR TREK ARMADA II - FUTURE WARS is available for download as the final version 1.0! And now to the sentence, which we have been waiting a long time.

You will find all these people in our Credits list! Thanks again, without you the Mod would not be possible. Nevertheless there wasn't only negative things because we had also enough people which helped and supported us. Also to any dubious statements of model steal, yeah, that was everything we have experienced with this Mod. of system crashes, lost data, rogue people who wanted to help us, but they chased only the Alpha version. Team opens now the big christmas gift which was announced! In this package you will find something where Frankie and I (Drako) have worked since almost 8 years. A new Era, an old Enemy and new Alliances!