I'm not surprised they decided to "mix it up." Looks like developer fatigue considering Infinity Wards last 2 CODS were atrocious (especially their campaigns). It's like a space shooter, meaning you're in a spaceship shooting freaking lasers at shit. Infinite Warfare looks like the developers wanted to make something different from the gameplay I saw. One thing about COD 4 campaign is that it was actually Hard on veteran (it was an enjoyable challenge). I like the campaign, but wouldn't see a point in going back to it (got 1000gs on xbox 360). If COD4 is only campaign, then I wouldn't pay any amount for it. I'm definitely not buying infinite warfare, so that'd be a waste of $60-$70 just to get something I wanted. I WILL NOT buy a $100 version of Infinite Warfare just to get the game I want. Meaning actually improved character models and textures. I would pay $30 for a standalone version IF it included both multiplayer and single player and was more than just a 1080p upgrade.

What do you mean by half the content? I haven't been following this remaster, so excuse my ignorance.

Ifistbrowni 2180d ago (Edited 2180d ago )